Wednesday, November 17, 2010

When they said time flies, they weren't lying

Well, I obviously haven't posted anything here for a few months - since I've been in Spain. So much has happened since then from Seth coming and traveling with him to Ireland and The Netherlands to starting my senior year of my undergraduate education.

If I had a dime for every time someone asked me what I think about being senior - well, I probably wouldn't need to be looking for a job right now. Yes, it is bittersweet. I am ready to be done with the schoolwork but I am also not ready at all to leave this place when I feel like I just arrived. Or at least just got the hang of things.

It seems that every time you finally get to know a place and feel comfortable it is time to move on. I really noticed that in Spain but it is happening again right here in Chapel Hill. There was freshman year when I didn't know how to study for college exams or write a college paper. I didn't know where to hang out or what classes to take (although I somehow always knew not to take Friday classes!). Sophomore year I learned a few more teachers to take but I didn't know what bars to go to to on what night or what restaurants to make sure to try. Junior year was a whirl wind of preparing for Spain and being in Spain so it just flew by and now it is senior year and I just figured out what classes to take, how to do well in them, what bars are the best, all the restaurants to try, and what amazing friends I have made. And now I only have a few more months before I have to go own and do the same thing somewhere else, preferably NYC :)

I guess life keeps you on your toes that way - you can never get to comfortable before you are kicked off the couch and moving on. It makes you appreciate what you have while you have it. I have learned throughout college and studying abroad that no minute can be taken for granted because there is too much fun to be had during that minute. I've learned to take risks, to not sweat the small stuff, and to enjoy every moment. The only problem is I feel like I learned those things too late.

Anyway, I don't want to get too sentimental on my first blog post back but I'm sitting on my couch with a glass of wine and an assigned reading just thinking,"MAN, that was fast!"

Sorry my posts will not be nearly as exciting as they were in Spain but I am currently on the job search so maybe that will be interesting to follow??

Stay tuned :)


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