Monday, May 3, 2010

You live and you learn.

I am currently in my spanish bed for my last night in Matilde's/my home :( It's so strange to think back now and remember those first few nights when everything was so new. I feel like I am going to cry :( :( which calls for a double sad face.

Matilde made our favorite soup and sandwich for dinner tonight and I only somewhat successfully packed my things. I thought sending my winter jacket and some other random stuff home with my parents would make my load lighter but somehow I still have too much stuff to fit in my suitcase. Going through all of it has brought back all of the memories I have made here. This post is so scatterbrained but so is my mind right now so forgive me.

Over the last few days I have been thinking about all of the things I have accomplished or learned or tried for the first time while studying abroad. I made a list.

Things I accomplished while studying abroad:
1. Successfully planned 5 months worth of traveling: from Copeland and I's first trip to Bologna to the 16-day tour starting tomorrow with Seth it has been tough to plan but so much fun and definitely so worth it!
2. Rode a camel through the Sahara Desert: which is obviously something not many people get to do and a great "what is something interesting about yourself" response (I am always looking for something other than I have 3 siblings and was born in New York)
3. Camped in a desert oasis with berbers: again something not everyone gets to do and I am really grateful I had the chance to because sleeping in a small comunity of burlap tents surrounded by sand for miles around and seeing more stars than I could ever image was something I will NEVER forget.
4. Completed the world biggest half marathon: finishing this race without walking was something I did not think I could and it made me realize I can do anything I really work for and set my mind to.
5. Learned to surf: well kinda...I didn't actually get up but I was on a surf board, in a wet suit, in Lagos so it counts.
6. Survived all night at the largest Carnival in Spain: I am referring to Carnival in Cadiz where I wore a mask all night in the pouring rain with tons of drunk people until 6 am. This brings me to my next accomplishment...
7. Celebrated a birthday at a German club until 6am: Too. Much. Fun. :)
8. Ate authentic bolognese sauce in Bologna, Italy: Yum! There is nothing like it and I wish I could have some right now especially because it was in a beautiful restaurant with dim lighting and live jazz filling the room.
9. Attended a movie premier and met 2 movies stars: by the names of Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler. Yes, I have been obsessed with Gerry :) ever since and I am proud to say it.
10. Took a picture with one of the above said movie stars: Of course this was Gerard Butler grabbing my camera and taking a photo with Copeland and I and then signing our hands. Love.
11. Won a free vacation by rapping and beat boxing: now those of you who know me (which is everyone who is reading this blog) know that I did not pick up the rapping/beat boxing skills here in Spain but I never win anything and my luck changed here! Lagos was amazing and had I paid for it, it would have been worth every penny. Also, shout out to stepper Cameron Battle because she put on a just as great performance!
12. Learned some bad words in German from some new German friends: these are the friends from the 6am party by the way. Now, I don't want to type these words and offend a reader but I think learning curse words where ever you are in the world is important as to become one of the locals :)
13. Attended a professional Spanish soccer game: which was Sevilla FC. It was so cool to hear the song/chants that the fans sing and see the excitement in the old Spanish men that we feel in something like Carolina Basketball.
14. Attended a professional German basketball game: well hardly professional against our standards but it was hilarious as well as a great way to feel like a local/part of the culture.
15. Never drank the same beer twice at the Internacional Cerveceria: and I will continue not to when I go tomorrow. This is one of my favorite places to go in Sevilla and they have so many beers I made a promise to myself to try a different one every single time. So far so good- I have had dark, light, good, and bad but it has been so much fun and I learned that I love beer from Belgium.
16. Learned to salsa dance: It's funny when I was making this list I forgot it at first I guess because it was so long ago but it was SO much fun going every M/W and learning a new dance! I think it will come in handy one day ;)
17. Helped teach English to a classroom of the cutest 11 and 12-year-old Spaniards in the world: I looked forward to going to my class at Claret every Tuesday and hearing "HHAAALLLLOOOOO" when I walked in the door. The children were so excited every week and they were so funny and great to be around. This was definitely one of my if not my favorite parts about studying abroad. I will miss them so much!
18. Rode in a Spanish police van and took pictures pretending to get arrested. This just happened last night and it was so much fun! Us girls went out together and Sarah wanted to take some night pictures of the Giralda so we stopped there. This police van with 3 officers pulls up and we get to talking. Long story short Sarah and I get pin on "badges," we take tons of photos of each other with an officer pretending to arrest us, get to talk on the walkie-talkies in the van, and get a ride home from them on all the streets where only emergency vehicles can drive. Awesome.
19. Conquered living in a foreign country and made a second family while doing it: I gained SO much studying abroad and I know I will be talking about it the rest of my life. I also now have a home with a lovely 2nd mother and sister to visit WHEN I return.

As you can see I have been busy these past 4 months and I am sad to say that it is coming to an end. It's bitter sweet knowing Seth is on his way and we are going to have so much fun traveling to Ireland, Prague, and Amsterdam as well as I am going to see all of my friends and family soon when at the same time I have to leave this place I have come to love so much. I walk around Sevilla now as if I am walking around Chapel Hill or Raleigh because I feel comfortable and I know the city. It's mine. I am so excited for what is to come in Seth and I's travels for the next 2 weeks and I am super excited to see my brothers and sister and friends. I am excited to eat American food (my mom's grilled cheese) at a normal hour. But I don't want to leave this place where dogs roam without leashes (and poop wherever they please), where people get dressed to the 9's just to go to the grocery store, where cafeterias are plentiful and drinking at 11am is a local pastime, and where an afternoon siesta is mandatory.

I can't wait to come back sometime in the near future and remember all of the things I did in Sevilla like sit by the river eating 100 Montaditos, running through Parque Maria Luisa, attending feria de abril and riding the ferris wheel, seeing the processions of Semana Santa, making quick trips to the bazar or Nervion Plaza, and waking up early for/getting back late from the bus station to visit somewhere amazing or come back from said amazing place.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my time here, I know I enjoyed experiencing all of the things I wrote to you about. Thanks for reading and see you all so soon!


Living the life in Lagos.

Hello my dears,

So for the last program hoorah I went to Lagos, Portugal this past weekend with 499 other students studying in Sevilla. We went with the same tour group as we did with Morocco, Discover Sevilla. The ride is only 3 hours so that was great so we were off Friday morning. Since everyone except like 3 people from our program were going we got class canceled on Friday and just made it up last Wednesday instead and got a final moved to the day before haha. Anyway Lagos is absolutely gorgeous and definitely the most amazing beach I have ever had the pleasure of tanning on. We got to stay at a 4 star hotel which was awesome and even had a kitchen and after checking in we headed to la playa. The cliffs and clear water were so amazing. We also took a long walk to a lighthouse where there are paths around the cliffs and grotto. We got the most amazing pictures! Friday night we went to dinner and to a party that Discover Sevilla put on at a place called Monkey Joes, which was a lot of fun. The night was filled with drinking and dancing and laughing.

Saturday the 6 girls: Cameron, Copeland, Caroline, Sarah, Kaleigh, and I headed to town and the beach for a bit before our Sangria Cruise. Unlimited sanria, beautiful views, a grotto tour, and a boat = amazing experience (obvi simple math). We started on a bigger boat and when we got to a good spot we anchored and took 10 people at a time on a smaller boat through the cliffs! Some brave souls even jumped in the water, one of which was NOT me because it was freezing. Then Discover Sevilla set up a party of the beach and we headed there for a couple hours before heading off to the end of the world. Yes, you read correctly. We went to what was thought to be the end of the world before it was discovered that the earth was in fact round. Guess what- the end of the world is probably the windiest place I have ever been but the sunset was amazing as well as the views.

Sunday we were off to the west coast for a more exclusive beach. The. Most. Amazing. Beach. I. Have. Ever. Seen. Just picture it: green mountains, blue water, soft sand, and rocky cliffs. Now take that image and multiply it by 100 and you will understand where we were. Cameron, Caroline, and I took surfing lessons complete with extremely form flattering wetsuits. Although I couldn't stand up I did get to my knees and it was a great experience. Just laying on the board as the waves rush you to shore, ahhhh. Surfing is also an extremely tiring workout and as I type my arms are still aching from carrying the board. Narley dude. Hang ten. I definitely want to try again in the good ole US of A. Sadly, we had to head back to Sevilla (and worst of all exams). It was a great weekend though and I couldn't have picked a better way to spend a weekend before exams (Besides actually studying for said exams).

I actually just finished my worst exam today so I am feeling a large weight off my shoulders. Seven more days, two more exams, and one more english tutoring until my time in Sevilla is up...
