Monday, May 9, 2011

Carolina In My Mind

This is just a collection of my favorite quotes about Carolina and a little taste of what it is to have been a Tar Heel for the past 4 years on campus and an alumni forever.

"We'll hold it briefly, feel its pulsing heart before letting it go to impart that Carolina magic to those students there now, and to all those who will come in the endless future, stay awhile, and leave a part of their soul in a place called Chapel Hill." -A.C. Snow, UNC c/o '50

"I love UNC. I love the quad in spring and the arboretum in the fall. I love the Pit on a sunny day and Graham Memorial Lounge on a rainy one. I love Roy all the time. But what makes UNC truly special is not our beautiful campus, our distinguished reputation or even our basketball team. It's us - the student body - who make UNC what it is."
-Eve Carson

"What is it that binds us to this place as to no other? It is not the well, or the bell, or the stone walls, or the crisp October nights or the memory of dogwoods blooming. Our loyalty is not only to William Richardson Davie though we are proud of what he did 200 years ago today. Nor even to Dean Smith, though we are proud of what he did last March. No, our love for this place is based on the fact that it is as it was meant to be, the University of the people."
-Charles Kuralt

"But sometime when the springtime comes and the sifting moonlight falls, they'll think again of this night here and of these old brown walls, of white Old Well and of Old South. With Bell's deep booming tone, they'll think again of Chapel Hill, and -- thinking -- come back home."
-Thomas Wolfe, UNC c/o '20

Song :) "In my mind I'm goin' to Carolina
Can't you see the sunshine
Can't you just feel the moonshine
Ain't it just like a friend of mine
To hit me from behind
Yes I'm goin' to Carolina in my mind"
-James Taylor

Graduation was Sunday and it was definitely a fun-filled event. Although the day began with rain the moment the class of 2011 turned our tassels from the right to the left the sun came out and was shining directly on us! The rain had stopped JUST in time for the start of the graduation ceremony but it was at that moment when the sun suddenly came from behind the grey clouds that everyone cheered - has to be a good sign for things to come, right?

To give a few other details about graduation: best speech - Liz Dean (senior class president), funniest moment - two naked blow up dolls (one male and one female) getting thrown around the senior class in the middle of the ceremony, best moment overall - joining arms with my fellow seniors and friends while rocking back and forth and singing Hark The Sound, worst moment - waking up to rain on 3.5 hours of sleep.

This has been an emotional time remembering and bringing to a close the best 4 years of my life. UNC provided me with an experience I feel no other school could have. I made amazing friends, learned more than I could ask for, made the best memories, grew as a person tremendously, and, overall, had the perfect college experience.

Tonight was my last night at 211 Pritchard Ave - my home for the past year. Erin, Copeland, and I went to see Something Borrowed as a last roomie night and it was great. Then they, being the amazing friends they are, helped me back my car with all of my belongings. I couldn't have asked for or imagined better roommates or friends. Both Copeland and Erin have definitely changed me for the better and I would not be the same person I am today without their influence these past 4 years. Although it is not goodbye it is a big change for us and I would like to take a moment to thank them for being WONDERFUL! The memories and inside jokes we have together will be with me forever and I will never forget the nights we spent laughing until we cried. I know we will be lifelong friends but I definitely wish our time living together didn't have to end tonight. You will both do amazing things in your careers and lives and I cannot wait to be a part of it all. Love you both!

I am off to apartment hunt tomorrow and I must go to bed. Plus I need to stop crying.

UGH I will miss you UNC, Chapel Hill, 211 Pritchard roomies, Topo, Tridelt, DTH, Los Pos, Suttons, Old Well, Carroll Hall, Dean Dome, Kenan Stadium, Yopo, and all of my wonderful friends!


Monday, April 4, 2011

Heigh-Ho It's off to work I go!

Ok so I am obviously extremely terrible at keeping up with blog posts BUT at least I update the more important things - right?

There are officially 33 days until graduation and reality is setting in. First, I am now EMPLOYED! Wahoo! There is a 1 year rotational program called the Ogilvy Associates Program that I was asked join. Ogilvy is an advertising agency with headquarters in NYC. They do the ads for companies such as Dove, Ikea, UPS, and an account they recently won- Gap. I have been interested in the program since July/August. They had an information session on our campus in September and there were so many people that many had to sit on the floor. Needless to say this was a little discouraging for me because I realized this was the attendance around the country. But the application came out in December and it consisted of your resume, cover letter, and writing sample. I was thinking of not even applying because they mentioned that 1500 people would apply and they are hiring 20-25. I applied last minute and for the part of my writing sample where I had to tell a story in under 100 words I changed the lyrics to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air! Well, I was asked back to on campus interviews in February and after that I met with a former UNC student who works at Ogilvy now while I was in NYC. She as well as a former DTH ad staff manager (which by the way is my job now) who also previously worked at Ogilvy were both SO helpful. I was asked to SuperSaturday - a full day of interviews at the Ogilvy office in March. SuperSaturday consists of one-on-one interviews, group interviews, a presentation of a case study, and a writing sample all from 8-5. There were 52 people at SuperSaturday and every single one was perfectly qualified and so very intelligent. So I left feeling good about my interviews but also sure that everyone else did great too. Well 2 days later I was told that I was 1 of 23 asked to join the program! From over 2000 total applicants - SO EXCITING! I also interviewed at The New York Post, which I really enjoyed but had to turn down for Ogilvy.

Anyway, I start in September and so I am officially moving to NEW YORK! Seth has 2 interviews this Friday and we will be apartment hunting this weekend! HOW CRAZY IS THIS?!?!?!

Although I am so excited to start this next chapter I am also terrified of leaving my college life. I just attended my last formal this weekend and have 4 weekends left before I am a full-blown adult. I just keep asking myself where the time has gone?

In college time is counted in weeks instead of days. "This week I have 2 tests," "Next week is spring break," "That week I am super busy." So next thing you know a month has gone by and then 4 years have just blown right past you! I mean how do I already have my carolina blue graduation cap and gown hanging in my closet?

I am sending graduation announcements and making reservations for graduation dinner but I just want a little more time - please. I want another Carolina basketball season and another spring break and another football game. I want one more (or maybe 2 more) chances to buy a formal dress and drink Thursday nights at Topo.

I know all I write about is how fast time flies by but that is all that is happening to me! My college career just flashed before my eyes and in 33 days I am going to be walking across the stage becoming a UNC alum.

I will keep you updated about the apartment search and the ever-approaching graduation day!

Love you all!