Ok so I am obviously extremely terrible at keeping up with blog posts BUT at least I update the more important things - right?
There are officially 33 days until graduation and reality is setting in. First, I am now EMPLOYED! Wahoo! There is a 1 year rotational program called the Ogilvy Associates Program that I was asked join. Ogilvy is an advertising agency with headquarters in NYC. They do the ads for companies such as Dove, Ikea, UPS, and an account they recently won- Gap. I have been interested in the program since July/August. They had an information session on our campus in September and there were so many people that many had to sit on the floor. Needless to say this was a little discouraging for me because I realized this was the attendance around the country. But the application came out in December and it consisted of your resume, cover letter, and writing sample. I was thinking of not even applying because they mentioned that 1500 people would apply and they are hiring 20-25. I applied last minute and for the part of my writing sample where I had to tell a story in under 100 words I changed the lyrics to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air! Well, I was asked back to on campus interviews in February and after that I met with a former UNC student who works at Ogilvy now while I was in NYC. She as well as a former DTH ad staff manager (which by the way is my job now) who also previously worked at Ogilvy were both SO helpful. I was asked to SuperSaturday - a full day of interviews at the Ogilvy office in March. SuperSaturday consists of one-on-one interviews, group interviews, a presentation of a case study, and a writing sample all from 8-5. There were 52 people at SuperSaturday and every single one was perfectly qualified and so very intelligent. So I left feeling good about my interviews but also sure that everyone else did great too. Well 2 days later I was told that I was 1 of 23 asked to join the program! From over 2000 total applicants - SO EXCITING! I also interviewed at The New York Post, which I really enjoyed but had to turn down for Ogilvy.
Anyway, I start in September and so I am officially moving to NEW YORK! Seth has 2 interviews this Friday and we will be apartment hunting this weekend! HOW CRAZY IS THIS?!?!?!
Although I am so excited to start this next chapter I am also terrified of leaving my college life. I just attended my last formal this weekend and have 4 weekends left before I am a full-blown adult. I just keep asking myself where the time has gone?
In college time is counted in weeks instead of days. "This week I have 2 tests," "Next week is spring break," "That week I am super busy." So next thing you know a month has gone by and then 4 years have just blown right past you! I mean how do I already have my carolina blue graduation cap and gown hanging in my closet?
I am sending graduation announcements and making reservations for graduation dinner but I just want a little more time - please. I want another Carolina basketball season and another spring break and another football game. I want one more (or maybe 2 more) chances to buy a formal dress and drink Thursday nights at Topo.
I know all I write about is how fast time flies by but that is all that is happening to me! My college career just flashed before my eyes and in 33 days I am going to be walking across the stage becoming a UNC alum.
I will keep you updated about the apartment search and the ever-approaching graduation day!
Love you all!
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