Good morning from Spain! Weather Update: It has been nice in Sevilla for about 5 days now!!! I should not be excited about this because Sevilla is supposed to be sunny all the time but since I have arrived it has been raining and this is the longest we have gone without rain!! It is supposed to stay nice all week so I am hoping the "old" Sevillian weather is back and here to stay.
Anyway, it has been such a busy week because we had some friends come to visit :) Copeland's friend, Nan, and her friend, Katy, arrived in Sevilla on Saturday. They are studying abroad in Scotland and decided to come for a visit. Erin arrived on Sunday morning and together, we 5 girls had a great time! Sunday was Nan's 21st birthday so Saturday we went out to celebrate the 21st birthday USA-style. Sunday we went and got a nice dinner and the restaurant even gave us free shots for Nan's special day :) We showed them all the touristy things throughout their time, which was fun for me to see again. We also got to try a bunch of new restaurants; always a good time. One of my favorites, which we visited 3 times over the week, is 100 Montaditos. Montaditos are little mini sandwiches and this establishment has 100 to choose from. They range from 60 cents to 1.50 and they are DELISH. Served with some fresh chips = a great (and cheap) meal to take to the river or anywhere else. Nan and Katy had to head back to Scotland on Tuesday and on Wednesday Erin, Copeland, and I went on a day trip to Ronda. Ronda is a small town about an hour and a half away from Sevilla with beautiful cliffs and a gorge. It has breath-taking views and tons of Islamic and Roman history. We did some hiking in extremely inappropriate hiking attire and ate bocadillas in a small park.
Erin was back on her way to party in the USA and Chapel Hill before we knew it! She left on Friday and we were sad to see her go but really excited that the next time we do we will be moving into our HOUSE together on Pritchard!
Copeland and I were talking about how on the day we left for Spain we thought it would be so long until Erin would arrive and then our parents and everything but on Sunday morning when we headed to pick up Erin from the airport we realized how time had flown by. We have been in Sevilla for over 2 months now but I still feel like getting stuck in Paris was yesterday.
Also, it's very strange to be able to have friends visit and show them around- makes you really feel like you know the city and are a part of it like we would feel if someone visited Raleigh. It's strange to actually take a step back and realize, "Wait, I am showing my friends around Sevilla, Spain- like I own the place."
The half marathon is coming up in ONE WEEK so we are headed to Lisbon on Friday! And then the next Friday we are traveling to Barcelona to meet up with my MOM AND DAD :) Exciting things, very exciting things!!
See ya on the flip side
(just kidding)
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