Ahh it is just hitting me that I actually live in Spain- for four months!! So crazy.
It's starting to feel more real now because we are getting into a schedule and can actually get around pretty well! On my last post I left off on Sunday...
After our run Copeland and I met up with Sarah, Caroline, and Mac near Plaza Nueva. We wanted to go shopping but we quickly realized EVERYTHING besides restaurants/bars are closed on Sunday. So we window shopped :) It was a gorgeous day so we walked to the river and decided to sit a while--actually one of my favorite things we have done so far. We sat on the edge of the river and chatted for a couple hours with the sun on our faces, ahhhh. I forgot my camera or else I would have some great pictures.
Monday we had class and such so it wasn't too exciting besides the fact that it's in SPAIN! Then on Tuesday we had our 1 class :) and walked to go shopping- inside the stores this time. Tuesday night Copeland and I met up with Sarah and Cameron to go to...FLAMENCO! We went to a place called La Carboneria, which everyone recommends. The flamenco is free and it is really a cool place where lots of locals go. We all got some tinto de verano (of course) and enjoyed the show! It's definitely different from what we expected but really awesome--singing, guitars, clapping, stomping, and dancing! The show lasted about an hour and we headed home.
Wednesday we got to sleep in (!!!) because our first class was canceled since we had an excursion to Cordoba that weekend. And Copeland and I's "afternoon" class (6:30-7:45) was canceled as well because our profession, Jesus, has some car problems. We decided to go to Nervion Plaza in place of class and just walked around for a bit. We stopped at Cafe y Te- galato for me and cafe con leche for Copeland. I had the dulce de leche flavor in a cone and it was SOO GOOD!
As for Thursday we had class and an excursion to la Catedral de Sevilla. Fernando gave us a tour and it was so beautiful! It is the biggest Cathedral in the world (area) according to The Guinness Book of World Records. Pictures could NOT capture how giagantic this cathedral is. There is beautiful treasures from centuries past including crowns, gold plates and goblets, and other knick-knacks that I, of course, have lying around ;) It is also where Christopher Columbus is buried. Actually, SOME of Christopher Columbus is buried here--they only have some of his remains such as only 1 leg. There was a lot of controversy over if his body was actually in the Dominican Republic, Cuba, or Sevilla. Cuba opened the tomb and it was empty--fail. The Dominican Republic still claims he is buried there except that they did some DNA testing of the one in Sevilla against the bodies of Columbus's children and viola it is him! Some parts could potentially be in D.R. though? Another fun fact: there used to be a crocodile that lived in the Patio de los Naranjos (an walled outdoor area with tons of orange trees). Legend has it that the daughter of a spanish king was being courted by a sultan and as a gift he brought an elephant and a crocodile to Sevilla. The elephant died and one of the tusks is hanging in the Patio de los Naranjos but the crocodile lived for a really long time there. People loved it and it grew so comfortable with humans that it could be pet like a puppy! When the crocodile died years and years later the people of Sevilla mourned! They embalmed the crocodile and hung it in the Patio as well but Fernando told us that right now the real one is being restored a bit and the one hanging was wooden. Interesting! Our group climbed La Giralda- the tallest point in Sevilla. It was quite the march up but well worth it. The view was awesome (as you can see from the pictures) and it was a great workout!
Thursday night we went with lots of people from our group to Cerveceria International, which as beer from all over the world. The walls are covered in different beer bottles and the menu is pages upon pages long. Copeland and I tried a beer called Augustijn from Belgium. It was really good and strong! Next we went to La Rebotica, where you get a giant mojito for 5 euro. They very tasty but definitely for sharing so Copeland and I split one.
Today is Friday and we had class this morning and are thinking about going back to La Carboneria tonight for some different dancing (not sure what kinda yet but I will let you know next post)! Tomorrow is Italica with professor Fernando!!
Adios amigos!
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